Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Welcome to My Blog


Hi,. Thank you for visiting this blog.
This blog contains about English language learning materials, such as: Sympathy EXPRESSION, ADVERTISEMENT, perfect tense, APPOINTMENT, Happiness EXPRESSION, past tense, invitations, recount text, announcements, PROCEDURE TEXT, present tense, Greetings, Giving INSTRUCTION, Narrative TEXT, Gaining ATTENTION , vocabulary AROUND THE HOUSE, Asking INFORMATION, preposition IN, ON, AND AT PASSIVE VOICE, IF Asking someone REMEMBERS OR NOT Offering, SIMPLE FUTURE, noun phrase, finite verbs, NEWS ITEM IT Introductory, Descriptive TEXT, DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH, in the past MODALS FORM, TEXT Narrative, Invite

Hopefully the contents of this blog can be useful

thank you


Ayo kita belajar  mengenali sekeliling rumah kita dalam kata bahasa inggris...


Asking Information There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:
· Could you tell me…?
· Do you know…?
· Do you happen to know…?
· I’d like to know…
· Could you find out…?
· I’m interested in…
· I’m looking for..
These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone:
· I’m calling to find out…
· I’m calling about…
Here are some sample phrases and sentences for asking information in English
1. What is this? This is a tableThis is a table
2. What is that? That is a chair.
3. What’s this? It’s a pen.
4. What’s that? It’s an apple.
5. What are these? These are pencils.
6. What are those? Those are books.
7. Where is Mr. King? He is over there.
8. Where is Ms. Knight? She’s (right) here.
9. Where’s Johnny? He’s in the house.
10. When’s the movie? It’s at 9:00.
11. When’s lunch? Lunch is at noon.
12. How is the food? It’s delicious.
Information about company
What does your company do?
What is your specialty?
What do you specialize in?
What is your main line of business?
Information about products
Could you give me some (more) information on this?
What can you tell me about this (product)?
Tell me about this one/model.
Information about Price
What are you asking for this?
What does this sell for?
How much is it?
How much does it run?


A preposition is a word or groups of words used before a noun or a pronoun to show place, position, time or method.


at 3 o’clock
at 10.30am
at noon
at dinnertime
at bedtime
at sunrise
at sunset
at the moment

in May
in summer
in the summer
in 1990
in the 1990s
in the next century
in the Ice Age
in the past/future

on Sunday
on Tuesdays
on 6 March
on 25 Dec. 2010
on Christmas Day
on Independence Day
on my birthday
on New Year’s Eve

Look at these examples:
I have a meeting at 9am.
The shop closes at midnight.
Jane went home at lunchtime.
In England, it often snows in December.
Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
There should be a lot of progress in the next century.
Do you work on Mondays?
Her birthday is on 20 November.
Where will you be on New Year’s Day?
Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions:

Expression -Example
at night -The stars shine at night.
at the weekend -I don’t usually work at the weekend.
at Christmas/Easter -I stay with my family at Christmas.
at the same time -We finished the test at the same time.
at present -He’s not home at present. Try later.

Notice the use of the prepositions of time in and on in these common expressions:

in the morning
in the mornings
in the afternoon(s)
in the evening(s)
on Tuesday morning
on Saturday mornings
on Sunday afternoons
on Sunday evening

When we say last, next, every, this we do not also use at, in, on.

I went to London last June. (not in last June)
He’s coming back next Tuesday. (not on next Tuesday)
I go home every Easter. (not at every Easter)
We’ll call you this evening. (not in this evening)


A. Definition
A passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the subject of a sentence. That is, whoever or whatever is performing the action is not the grammatical subject of the sentence. Take a look at this passive rephrasing of a familiar joke

B. Example Passive Voice
Tense                 Active                                   Passive
Simple Present   We take a cake                   A cake is taken by us
Simple Past       We took a cake                   A cake was taken by us
Simple Future    We will take a cake             A cake will be taken by us
Present Perfect  We has taken a cake           A cake has been taken by us
Past Perfect      We had taken a cake            A cake had been taken by us
Going to-future  We are going to take a cake in the table A cake is going to taken by us in the table

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
 the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
 the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
 the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

C. Agent
In a passive clause, we usually use a phrase beginning with by if we want to mention the agent - the person or thing that does the action, or that causes what happens.ExaMples:
 My mother makes sandwich every morning.
Subject + verb1 + s/es + O + C (adv. of time)
 Sandwich is made by my mother every morning.
Subject + to be + V3 + Agent + C (adv. of time)

If you want to change an active sentence which has two objects into its passive forms, there are two ways:
1. Make its indirect object into the subject of the passive sentence.
2. Make its direct object into the subject of the passive sentence.

John is giving his girl-friend a bunch of flower.
indirect object direct object
The indirect object as the subject
John’s girl-friend is being given a bunch of flower.
The direct object as the subject
A bunch of flower is being given to John’s girl-friend.


Formal expressions:
Ø I wonder if you remember.....
Ø You remember...., don’t you?
Ø You haven’t forgotten...., have you?
Ø Don’t you remember.....?
Ø Do you happen to remember it now?

Ways to respond:
Ø Let me think, yes, I remember.
Ø I remember especially the scenery.
Ø I’ll never forget that
Ø I’ll always remember.
Ø I can remember it clearly.

Informal expressions:
Ø Remember the old house we used to live in?
Ø Remember that?
Ø I’m sorry I don’t remember

Ways to respond:
Ø Hold on. Yes, got it!
Ø I know.....
Ø It’s coming back to me now.

Respond if you forget:
Ø Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten.
Ø I’m affraid I forget.
Ø I really can’t remember.
Ø I’m afraid I have no memory of him
Ø Errr, let me think. No, it’s gone.
Ø Sorry, it slipped off my mind.

It was Sunday morning, Via got dressed and had breakfast quickly. She was ready to leave for school. Her father was a little puzzled.
  Grandma: Hey...hey.... are you going to school?
  Via: Yes, Father. I overslept. I’m in a hurry
  Grandma: You remember Sunday, don’t you?
  Via: Oh, my goodnes. I thought it’s a school day !


1.      Offering Help or Things (menawarkan bantuan / menawarkan sesuatu)
Untuk menawarkan bantuan, dapat digunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
- May I help you? 
- Can I help you?
- Could I help you?
- How can I be of assistance to you?
- How can I be of help to you?
- What can I help you
- What can I do for you? 
- How can I assist you?
- How can I help you?
- Let me help you?
- Do you want me to help you?
- Shall I …?
Cara memberi tawaran seperti menawarkan makanan atau minuman dalam bahasa Inggris lazimnya dengan menggunakan ungkapan Would you like…?, Would you care for …?, why don’t you have…?, How about having …? May I offer you …?
Tawaran Respon
- Would you like some bread?                                            Yes, please.
- Would you care for some coffee?                         No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
- Why don’t you have some biscuit, please?                        Thanks, I’d love to.
Jawaban untuk menerima tawaran antara lain: Yes please, Sure, Why not, Ofcourse, Certainly, I’d love to, It’s a good idea, That’s great. Untuk menolak tawaran digunakan ungkapan seperti: No, thanks, Please don’t bother, I’d love to but…, That’s great but…